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    【关键词】国外贷援款项目  审计报告  翻译  信达雅



    一、 国外贷援款项目审计报告的英文翻译特点

    众所周知,翻译讲求“信、达、雅”。 [1] “信”指的是意思忠实于原文,即译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”即不拘泥于原文的形式,译文要通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。

    二、 翻译中常见问题探讨

    审计报告中常会出现地址,涉及到的“街”、“道”、“路”的翻译也颇多。一般英文有road, street, avenue, boulevard, lane, alley, thoroughfare, expressway和freeway等。这里要注意它们之间的区别。
    一般来说,road指城外的、相隔较远的两地之间供车辆或马匹通过的路,或通过城市的重要的、较长较宽的马路。road常有水泥或柏油路面。如二环路,the Second Ring Road。
    Avenue指城里的大街,常指两旁有树的宽大街道,或与street垂直相交的大街。如Avenue des champs-elyses 香榭里舍大街[2]
    Boulevard为林荫大道,通常宽大且两旁有树和花草。长安街就翻译为Chang’an Boulevard。
    常用的表述建筑物的有construction, building和structure三个词,construction主要的意思是“建筑”,也用来指建筑物,building通常指住人或办公的房屋或大楼,structure通常指雄伟的或令人赞叹的建筑物,强调建筑材料时也用这个词。
    我国出版的英文报刊常把“工作单位”译成“work unit”,unit一词在英文中经常用来指“部队”;翻译时如能用具体的词,如school, factory, hospital, company等可能更明白易懂。若指为特殊目的成立的机构(如医院、学校、公司等),也可考虑用institution一词代替。
    (1)表示“倍数”时用X times that (or its original) length/size 或 X times as long/large as---, 如:
    The machine is 3 times as tall as a man.  机器有3个人那么高。
    (2)倍数:是某某年的X倍 = 比某年增加[X-1]倍,如:
    The grain output is twice/has doubled that of last year.
    The grain output is 3 times/has tripled that of last year.
    The grain output is twice as much as that of last year.
    The grain output is 3 times as much as that of last year.
    如:Increase by 50% over/as compared with ----  和--比,增加了50%
       Decrease by 5 tons  减少了5吨
    (4)和----比,用(as)compared with/as against/ as opposed to
    In 2011 the total output of wheat rose/increased by X tons over that of 2010.
    A --- % increase over---
    An increase rate of ---
    The growth rate is ---%
    “达到”可用reach或amount to,但amount to表示几个部分相加后得到的总数,和add up to, come to, total, number的意思一样。
    Operation有“运转”,“操作”,“工作”等意思,因此工厂“投入生产”,铁路“开始通车”,公司“开始营业”等都可以用go into/step into/begin operation(s),如:
    The factory went into operation in 1992.
    The company has stepped into international operation..
    Operate还有“经营”的意思,“经营机制”是operative mechanism,“经营自主”是autonomy in operation。“扩大生产/经营”可用expand operation表达,如:
    The enterprise expanded its operation into an iron and steel complex.
    Annual production capacity
    Freighters with a total capacity of 100,000 tons
    A theater with/having a 2,000 seat(ing) capacity
    Capacity也可以表示人的“能力”,“才干”,“本领”,如:not working to capacity,意思是“本领没有使出来”,“才干没有完全发挥”。
    “工厂”一词对应的英文有factory, plant, works, mill等。
    Factory泛指一般工厂,如food factory, tractor factory, canning factory。
    Plant多指电器业或机械制造业,如:water (hydraulic) power plant, machine-building plant, bicycle plant, chemical plant。
    works多用于钢铁等重工业,如iron and steel works, gas works, cement works。
    Mill原意是“磨坊”,比如红磨坊 (the old red mill)。现在泛指“工厂”,多用于轻工业,如纺织业,造纸业。如:cotton/textile/silk/woolen mill, flour/paper mill, lumber/saw mill, steel mill, seamless tubing mill 无缝钢管厂,heavy steel rolling mill大型轧钢厂,sheet-steel mill薄板厂。[3]
    Complex指“联合企业”,如chemical complex, iron and steel complex, building complex。
    A complete set of equipment
    An important piece of equipment
    Basic kitchen equipment
    Stereo equipment
    Facility是可数名词,常用复数形式。Facilities指为一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备(equipment)、建筑物(room, building)和服务(service)等。如:
    Production facilities
    Sports facilities
    “生产”可以用produce, yield, turn out表达。Produce运用范围最广,其“产品”是劳动和努力的结果,可以是“人”,也可以是“物”;可以出自身体(body)或头脑(minds),或人的想象力,如:
    The factory produces 30% of China’s CTC.
    We want our colleges to produce thinkers not parrots.
    He has produced quite a few good paintings in the last 3 years.
    The rich soil of this region yields good crops.
    Turn out既强调结果,又含有为此花费了劳动、作出了努力的意思。和produce一样,其“产品”可以是“人”,也可以是“物”,如:
    The company promises to turn out 300 machines a month.
    The main object is to turn out good teachers.
    此外“生产”也可用make, manufacture表示。Make是应用广泛的通用词,manufacture通产指“机器制造”,“利用原材料经过一定工序加工生产,”如:
    The factory makes shoes.
    The factory manufactures cloth/automobiles/laptops.
    Per mu yield亩产量
    We hope to steadily increase our output of coal/agricultural output.
    A new power station with an output of 450 megawatts
    grain/pork/steel production 谷物/猪肉/钢产量
    cost of production 生产成本
    production quota 生产定额指标
    mode of production生产方式
    tool of production生产工具
    “产品”多用produce, product;有时也可用goods和commodities。Produce指“食品”或“农产品”,如:
    Farm produce
    Sugar is their chief produce.
    Defective/substandard products次/残品
    The literary products of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时的文学作品[4]
    A wide range of electrical goods
    Inferior/substandard goods 次货
    Defective goods 次/残品
    Damaged goods残货
    构成/占总数的XX%,动词可以用constitute, comprise, account for, make up, form, be等等,如:
    They constitute nearly 50% of the total population./
    They constitute nearly half the total population. 他们占了人口的近一半。
    ---- RMB XXX yuan, comprising 12% of the total amount
    ---USD XXX, making up 12% of the total
    Form/be 12% of the total grant
    “机关”、“机构”可用organization, office, organ和body等词表示,但这些英语词并非同义词。
    Official organs官方机构
    State organs国家机关(也可以说government offices)
    An advisory organ咨询机关
    Organs of propaganda宣传机构
    Public security organs公安机关
    A government organ 政府机关报
    Leading bodies领导机关
    The governing body of the public library
    A policy-making body
    An advisory body
    Party and government organizations党政机关
    Government organizations政府机关
    Organization of American States美洲国家组织
    Religious organizations宗教团体
    Mass organization群众团体
    一般,“文化教育机关”译作cultural and educational institutions.
    “国家机关工作人员”可译作personnel of organs of state或state personnel;“机关干部”可译作government functionary, office worker,或government employee. [5]
    “遵守”、“遵循”、“遵照”可以译作observe, abide by, conform to, comply with, obey, follow, adhere to, act in accordance with等。
    Observe 常和以下名词连用:
    Observe rules/law/custom/discipline/order
    Abide by常和以下名词连用:
    Abide by law/rule/regulation/agreement/verdict/decision/promise
    Conform to常和以下名词连用:
    Conform to law/directions/regulations/standards (of behaviors, manufacture)/specifications/requirements/local custom
    Comply with常和以下名词连用:
    Comply with rule/agreement/direction/instruction/request/wish/desire
    此外,短语in compliance with也是遵从的意思
    Obey law/order/command
    Obey sb.
    Follow sb.’s advice/orders/example
    Follow a practice/a custom/a rule/the fashion
    Follow instruction/the Party’s revolutionary line
    Adhere to可以和以下名词连用:
    Adhere to principle/idea/plan/original program
    Adhere to promise/offer/demand/proposal/suggestion
    Adhere to neutrality 严守中立
    可以用的词有(十三)的否定形式,或是violate, break (名词breach), go against, contravene, be incompliant with, be inconsistent with等
    “按照”、“根据”可译作according to, in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of, to be based on, in line with等。
    According to后可接人名、书名、文件名等,表示信息的来源、资料的出处,如:
    According to the 1990 census
    According to calculations made by the World Bank, the GDP of China was---
    According to 还有“按照”、“根据”某种标准、原则或计划、体系的意思,如:
    (the Taiwan question) can also be resolved according to the concept of “one country, two systems”
    Carry out the work according to plan/sb.’s instructions
    In accordance with 也有according to的第二层意思:
    In accordance with the law/the rules
    In the light of 表明考虑、认识问题或作出决定的“依据”,常和consider, think of, analyze等动词以及reason, common sense, evidence, sb.’s remark一类名词连用,
    On the basis of 常表示作出决定,或办某事的“根据”。
    To be based on表示“根据------而来的”
    A film based on the novel of the same title
    The new agreement is based on the original UNDP proposal.
    此外,in line with也有“依----而变”或“按-----比例而变”的意思,如:
    Increase the workers’ incomes in line with rising prices
    以上用法并非一成不变,“根据”并不总是用上面的短语,如“根据-----精神”就译作  in the spirit of---[4]

    三、 如何提高翻译的质量


    [1] 严复,1898.《天演论•译例言》.罗新璋(编),1984.《翻译论集》.商务印书馆
    [2] http://www.jukuu.com/
    [3] 《现代汉英词典》.2001.外研社
    [4] 英语笔译实务.2010.外文出版社
    [5] 英国培生教育出版有限公司, 《朗文当代英语辞典》第4版。外研社
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