Entrusted by Mr. Hou Kai, Auditor General of CNAO and Chair of the United Nations Board of Auditors, Mr. Wang Benqiang, Deputy Auditor General of CNAO, attended the 54th Special Session of the UN Board Board of Auditors and the 64th Regular Session of the UN Panel of External Auditors in Paris from 9 to 10 December 2024.
On the sideline of the sessions, Mr. Wang Benqiang and Minister Bruno Dantas, President of Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) of Brazil, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation between CNAO and TCU.
During the sessions, Mr. Wang also talked with the heads of the SAIs of France, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa, Switzerland, and the UK, who were also members of the UN Panel.