Hu Zejun attends the 54th Meeting of ASOSAI Governing Board in Kuwait
Updated: 2019-10-23    Soure:International Cooperation Department

From 23 to 24, July, 2019, Hu Zejun attended the 54th Meeting of ASOSAI Governing Board, and co-chaired the meeting in the capacity of the Secretary General of ASOSAI, with Dr. Ho Duc Phoc, Chairman of ASOSAI. Hu Zejun delivered 10 regular reports of ASOSAI including the Report on the ASOSAI Financial Management, Report on the ASOSAI Strategic Plan, etc.

(Group photo of heads of delegation to the 54th Meeting of ASOSAI Governing Board)

The governing board approved regular reports, carried out the election of ASOSAI representatives to the next INTOSAI Governing Board, agreed upon the proposed implementation measures of the Hanoi Declaration, and decided to establish the “Special Committee on Auditing SGDs” during the meeting.

(Hu Zejun, Secretary General of ASOSAI co-chairs the meeting with Dr. Ho Duc Phoc, Chairman of ASOSAI)

In the meantime, Hu Zejun, in the capacity of the Secretary General of ASOSAI, officially signed the Memorandum of Understanding between ARABOSAI and ASOSAI with Mr. Nejib Gtari, Premier Président de la Cour des Comptes of Tunisia, Secretary General of ARABOSAI.

(Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between ARABOSAI and ASOSAI)