Dr.DONG Dasheng, Deputy Auditor General of China, attended the ASOSAI meeting
Updated: 2011-09-22   

From 19 to 24 September, the CNAO’s 6-people delegation, headed by Dr. DONG Dasheng, the Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, attended the 43rd ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting and the 1st ASOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, and visited the Italian Corte dei Conti.

At the ASOSAI Governing Board meeting, Dr. DONG delivered a report on the involvement of the CNAO, as the representative of ASOSAI, in the activities of INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee. In addition, in the capacity of the Chair and Secretary General of ASOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), the Chinese delegation reported to the Governing Board on the work of the ASOSAI WGEA and its future plan. Both reports were approved by the Governing Board.

During the meeting, the heads of SAIs of China, Japan and Korea also met on a routine basis and they had lunch together. By this mechanism, the friendly cooperation among these three SAIs have been further strengthened.

The 1st ASOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference was held on 22-24 September in Istanbul. A total of 88 participants came from 22 SAIs of Governing Boards members of ASOSAI and EUROSAI respectively. After the opening ceremony, the Conference conducted an extensive discussion on the main theme of “Challenges for Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Public Financial Management”. Dr. DONG delivered a speech titled as “The Positive Role of Audit in Public Debt Management in China” in English and his presentation was well received by the delegates. As a strategic achievement, the Conference approved the Memorandum of Understanding between ASOSAI and EUROSAI (Istanbul Memorandum).

After the meeting in Turkey, the Chinese delegation went to visit Italy on 24-28 September. Dr. DONG met with Mr. Luigi Giampaolino, the President of the Corte dei conti. Both sides have exchanged the experiences on audit of budget implementation and work of regional audit chamber.